EAB uses your network credentials to login to Box. Continue to login to Box through your network.
If you are not a part of EAB, continue to log in with your Box.com account.
If you are from a Partner Institution and not an EAB employee, please choose the “Not a part of EAB” option above.
When sharing files from within Box, you must be certain that the people you are sharing with are authorized to see that information. Store the data in as few locations as possible. Delete all information when you no longer have a business need for it. Use Box’s Tag feature to tag all files containing private information as such. DO NOT DOWNLOAD PRIVATE INFORMATION TO PERSONAL COMPUTERS OR MOBILE DEVICES. Our company and its employees could be subject to fines (or worse) if violations are serious. Remember that you are responsible for the data you store and the actions you take within Box.
Collaborating in folders?
When giving other users and members access to files and folders make certain that it’s appropriate for them to have access further down the folder tree. Permissions in Box work on a waterfall model. Access at a top level cascades to access at a lower level. Additional information and recommendations on folder structure can be found in your “Getting Started” folder.
Please be advised that before storing and accessing information in Box all employees are required to read the EAB Box User Guide found in your “Getting Started” folder.
Please be aware that this system is the property of EAB and may be accessed only by authorized users. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. By accessing and using this system, you are consenting to EAB monitoring activity and communications on the system and retrieving information from the system for law enforcement and other lawful purposes.